Running multiple iOS simulators with React Native
Whist developing an app for React Native I wanted to be able to compare the iPhone version vs the iPad version; basically a slightly different layout between the two. xcode doesn't allow multiple simulators to run and attach to it's debugger but you can run multiple simulators together: cd /Applications/…
Custom MarshalJSON in GOLang
Getting JSON from structs or any interface{} in GO is pretty trivial, but custom marshalling can be troublesome. The following struct is based on that in the GO docs but with the json field hints to demonstrate the output modifications produced. type Message struct { Name string `json:"user"` Body string…
Lightbox Github page reaches 500k page views in 2015
During 2015, the Github documentation page for my lightbox plugin reached ~527k page views from ~200k users. That's excluding ~30k fake referrals from those damn-annoying bots promoting their insurance or SEO services. Most visitors come via searches but a great deal also land from the Bootstrap expo. It's interesting how…
Converting localisation of numerical values in React Native applications
TLDR: Not translations with L18N, but handling numerical localisation https://github.com/fixdio/react-native-locale. The application we are currently writing at fixd.io allows users to enter several numerical values. This poses a problem with localisation due to the point based system used in device locale. As an example, the…
Realtime Twitter game: ASOS Two-Up
ASOS Australia wanted to run an Anzac Day promotional Twitter game similar to that of the Australian game "Two-Up" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-up). The logic behind the game itself is straightforward - flip two coins and compare the result to the users guess - the key challenges surround…